Quick Start for first time user

In case you are visiting the Food Security Thematic Exploitation Platform for the first time, please follow these steps:

New Login screen

1. In case you have never registered to the Food Security TEP, write us an email at support@foodsecurity-tep.net  with the subject "create new account". Please share in the content your contact email and username. We will send you the access credentials back.

2. Visit the Food Security TEP user interface to authentificate yourself using new login credentials: https://foodsecurity-tep.ope.insula.earth 

3. You are then authentificated to discover the platform functionalities and data collections

4. For processing and downloading data from the platform, your account will have a starting amount of virtual 'TEP coins'. To request further resources for testing, please write an email to support@foodsecurity-tep.net and consider buying a monthly subscription that includes additional resources. 


Account and Request5. Wait for a reply from the support team and then check your "My Account" section. 

6. Create your own collection, discover existing satellite data and EO products and use a processing service. If you want to learn more about our standard processing services, get informed in our Portfolio section

7. Please note that your account will be automatically shut down after 6 months without a valid user subscription. If you wish to activate a platform user subscription see our price list and please let us know at sales@foodsecurity-tep.net